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The Company of bellringers, in fact, exists since the big bell (" Campanone").
was put on the "Palazzo dei Consoli". But the actual juridical constitution of the association exists since 23rd March 1981. It was composed of Ghigi Loris, Belardi Lorenzo, Albini Giuseppe, Barbi Luigi-Francesco, Lunani Benedetto, Barbi Giampiero, Pelicci Sergio, Minelli Armando, Baldelli Vittorio, Ghigi Giordano.

The group of bellringers also take part in many national meetings, having great success wherever they go.

The Uniform: red sweater (before 1979 it was white).

The Seat: Palazzo dei Consoli
             (the small hall of the bellringers is situated exactly beneath the tower of big bell "torretta").

The Group is represented by:
             President: Lorenzo Belardi - tel. 075/9273357
             Vice President: Sergio Pelicci - tel. 075/9276283
             Secretary: Loris Ghigi - tel.075/9275083

Presently the Group is composed of 12 bellringers:
             Barbi Giampiero
             Barbi Luigi (called: Riccetto)
             Belardi Lorenzo (called: Piccione)
             Casagrande Stefano (called: Teto)
             Ghigi Giordano
             Ghigi Loris (called: Roscio)
             Lunani Benedetto (called: Betto)
             Mancini Cludio
             Mengoni Mauro (called: Baldone)
             Minelli Armando (called: Prete but he really is a priest!)
             Pelicci Sergio
             Rogari Paolo (called: Pollo)

Calendar of when the bell rings:
             1st January
             Holy Saturday
             25th April: (25/4/1945: Italy's liberation from Nazist occupation).
             1st May
             First Sunday of May: when the Ceri come down.
             13/14/15/16h May: Festa of the Ceri e Festa of S.Ubaldo
             Ceri Mezzani (Middle Size Ceri)
             Last Sunday of May: Palio of the Balestra
             2nd June: Formation of the Italian "Republic" (2/6/1946)
             Ceri Piccoli (Little Ceri)
             Corpus Domini
             21/22nd June: killing of the 40 martyrs (22/6/1944)
             14th August : Tournament of the squares
             15th August
             20th September: Rome becomes the capital of Italy (20/09/1970)
             30th October: the present bell was moulded (30/10/1769)
             4th November : : for Italy the first world was finishes (4/11/1918)
             5/6/7/8th December: Festa of the Immaculate Mother Mary
                                       (patron of Gubbio, together with St.Ubaldo and
             31st December

As the bell rings:
